Nighthawk 700 fender eliminator?

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Nighthawk 700 fender eliminator?

#1 Unread post by DieMonkeys »

So, I bumped in to the rear left turn signal on my 700s while it was parked in the garage, and it broke off from the rubber mount. I currently have epoxied it back together and it's hardening right now.

But, what about just getting a fender eliminator and putting it on there? Anyone ever do that? Anyone even know where to begin?
1980 Suzuki GS550E "Miranda" (Retired)
1986 Honda Nighthawk CB700SC "Valarie"

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#2 Unread post by DieMonkeys »


Not mine, but similar to what I did, and what I will do (the mini-signals).

But I'll also drop the two mirrors down to one bar-end 2" mirror on the left handgrip.
1980 Suzuki GS550E "Miranda" (Retired)
1986 Honda Nighthawk CB700SC "Valarie"

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