I Just Wanna Ride (and rock some tunes too)!

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Grey Thumper
Legendary 1000
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Joined: Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:21 pm
Real Name: Dino
Sex: Male
Years Riding: 9
My Motorcycle: 2004 BMW R1150Rockster, 2015 BMW R1200GS
Location: Manila, Philippines

Re: I Just Wanna Ride (and rock some tunes too)!

#11 Unread post by Grey Thumper »

I'm not the type to listen to music either, although I'd like a bluetooth intercom system to be able to communicate with a pillion or other rider. I've been thinking of getting a Sena SMH5 (since they're relatively cheap). Since it pairs up to an iphone or bluetooth music player, you might consider that for your music needs.
"If you ride like there's no tomorrow, there won't be."

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