600 mile service necessary?

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#11 Unread post by Duane »

Good thread, I'm creeping up on my 600 miles on my 06 vstar and was wondering about price as well. Thanks!

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#12 Unread post by Ninja Geoff »

I know this is a little bit old, but for what it's worth tortus, the 600 mile check on my 650R cost $130.

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#13 Unread post by scan »

I guess being a brand new bike, I'd lean towards yes, do it, but I still feel the dealer has a real shell game going with "check up" service. How can you be sure they really check all the things they are suppose to, and as far as oil changes go, they hand those off to the lower level guys in a big shop - so that is who will do the "check up". So I don't know for sure, but I guess better safe than sorry for your warrenty coverage. At least you have the paper that says they checked it all. As time goes on, I think all new riders should try to do more and more themselves. I know all basic service with an oil changes at my favorite shops cost about $100.
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Re: 600 mile service necessary?

#14 Unread post by chasgrips45 »

I read this in Cycle World. The way modern motorcycle engines are made nowadays, (precision crc machining etc) Drive the bike easy for fist 50 miles. Don`t lug the engine (short shift), Change engine speeds , keep from overheating , don`t run the "poo poo" out it. Other than that if you drive at common sense rpm you can run the engine at more than 4000 ,or 5000 rpm with no engine damage . Get the first 600 check. This is according to some of the experts at Cycle World . Moderation is the key. Some people say that you can drive the bike briskly after the first 100 miles . that's what i read guys.

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