New-to-the-site n' Got Some Questions!

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#11 Unread post by Toyuzu »

The Kawasaki 500 is an excellent beginner bike. I think you'll like it better than the 250 because it has enough power to keep you interested for a long time. It will cruise at freeway speeds and still have plenty of power left for passing. It's also not too heavy, and looks pretty decent.

As for the MSF and license questions, Most states just use an endorsement on your regular car license. I'm not sure how it would work if you are only going to have the motorcycle license. Check with your local DMV on that one. In California, and many other states, riders under age 18 are actually required to take the MSF course before they can get their license.

You can find your nearest MSF Rider Course at the MSF website:

Good luck! 8)
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#12 Unread post by Slap-Bassist531 »

Toyuzu wrote:The Kawasaki 500 is an excellent beginner bike. I think you'll like it better than the 250 because it has enough power to keep you interested for a long time. It will cruise at freeway speeds and still have plenty of power left for passing. It's also not too heavy, and looks pretty decent.

As for the MSF and license questions, Most states just use an endorsement on your regular car license. I'm not sure how it would work if you are only going to have the motorcycle license. Check with your local DMV on that one. In California, and many other states, riders under age 18 are actually required to take the MSF course before they can get their license.

You can find your nearest MSF Rider Course at the MSF website:

Good luck! 8)
Ahh much thanks for the help and also im just wondering (gonna read the stie in a second) but do u take the MSF course before or after u get the motorcycle license? thanks for answerin bud
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#13 Unread post by Toyuzu »

Before. Get your learners permit first, then take the MSF course. Once you're done, you take the certificate to the DMV and you get your license. But as I said before, you may be required to take in order to get your license, since you are under 18.
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#14 Unread post by Slap-Bassist531 »

alright if theyre open on saturdays (if u could respond on that lol) ill call them n find out all the info and also i think ill get the kawasaki 500 and then when i think i can handle more ill goto the R6 or R1 probably and thanks toyz n everyone else for all ur help and being patient with me
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#15 Unread post by Telesque »

Slap-Bassist531 wrote: also for the 250 i mean ive ridden quite abit of 250 bikes n i mean i know there fast but i also plan to have the bike for like 2-4 years (to then probably get a better bike and hopefully someday a hayabusa) and i wonder would a kawasaki 500 be too big then? is it like twice the power of the 250 ? thanks and dont like flame me or anything im kinda gettin new to the license deal
A 250 dirt bike is not the same as a 250 sport bike.

Plus, if you only plan on having the bike for 2-4 years, it'd be a lot more convenient to buy a lower priced (i.e. not a 600cc) bike to ride on for that short amount of time.

Finally, by the time you're able to afford a Hayabusa, there's going to be something better. ;) If you're 14 now.. think of what will be out by the time you're 24? Think of what bikes where like ten years ago.

I'm not trying to rip on you or anything, just trying to guide you a little in your logic.

Whatever you decide on, ride safe, and welcome to a whole new community! ;)
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#16 Unread post by Slap-Bassist531 »

yeah i totally agree with u on the dirtbike sportbike and like i know what ur saying thats why i believe ima get me a kawasaki 500 for a while (of course a used one for a few grand) because my mom already said shed buy it for me (i havent been bale to talk to her so she still thinks the R6 which is like 8 grand compared to like 3-4 n yeah im not really totally sure on what to upgrade on because i mena i know im gonna race it some (whether i take it to the track or on a straight backroad with my dad or friends) i really just want somethin that can get me to atleast like 100 mph (as i said for track(which i mena like drag race it some lol) and my dad is plannin on buyin a new bike (honda goldwing) when i get mine so me n him can go for like weekend trips some weeks right and thanks guys for welcoming me as a friend :D
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#17 Unread post by New_R »

From what I've read on the Site and the TN Motorcycle Manual (via your link "") you would be limited to a 125cc or lower bike (2or3 wheel) and can only oporate from 4:00am and 8:00pm and within a 7 mile radious of your home. The endorcement you are talking about is the "Class M-Limited" the information can be found on the 4th page, of this PDF link ... manual.pdf

Good luck

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Re: New-to-the-site n' Got Some Questions!

#18 Unread post by BlainLee »

you should also learn traffic rules. does not matter if you are riding a car or motorcycle

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Re: New-to-the-site n' Got Some Questions!

#19 Unread post by NorthernPete »

Well, considering the op is now about 28 years old, probably pretty knowledge. Lol
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