Gear shift lever replacement

Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Apr 05, 2019 6:31 am
Real Name: Luke Vigus
Sex: Male
Years Riding: 1
My Motorcycle: 2017 Keeway TX125

Gear shift lever replacement

#1 Unread post by Kingvigus »

Hello everyone

I ride a 2017 keeway tx125 i recently got my motorcycle gear which came with boots. When i ride with these boots i cant get my foot underneath the gear shift lever unless i put my foot at a funny angle. I tried to move the lever up an by taking it of and placing abit higher on the shift arm but it kept hiting the the bottom of the engine so i couldnt place it any higher then it original position. I am looking to replace the lever with an adjustable gear lever so i have room for my big boots. There is a picture of my shifter arm attached to the post if anyone can suggest a replacement that will fit my bike.

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Joined: Wed Apr 23, 2014 3:08 am
Real Name: Johnny
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Re: Gear shift lever replacement

#2 Unread post by brajon »

I would just get a pair of boots that's not too big instead of replacing the shift lever.

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