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#1 Unread post by stupidnuk »

I recently wrecked my motorcycle (minor damage to the bike, minor injuries to me ) and would like to know something. Can I install a Marauder 1600 motor into a Marauder 800 frame? I know that the 1600 is fuel injected and was wondering how difficult this would be if it is possible? My VZ800 Marauder is not fuel injected. Just a question about possibilities because I think I have out grown my 800. The wreck was not my fault, someone pulled out in front of me and rather that rear end them, I slammed on my brakes and put the bike down on the left side. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.

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#2 Unread post by Wrider »

Nope, the frame sizes and motor mount locations are different. Although you can always hop up the motor while it's out of the frame :twisted:
Have owned - 2001 Suzuki Volusia
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#3 Unread post by stupidnuk »

That's what I thought, at least now I know. Thanks.

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