The politicians in the U.S. have officially come to there senses after a year of deliberation (March 30, 2011) on this huge issue. Now youth riders can enjoy the sport of riding ATVs and motorcycles which over zealous safety party's had completely overlooked when creating legislation on the whole lead issue:
Senators Introduce Amendment to Exempt Youth ATVs, Dirt Bikes from Lead Provisions
United States Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Jon Tester (D-MT) today introduced an amendment to S. 493 (a small business program reauthorization bill) that would exempt youth-sized all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and dirt bikes from the lead provisions of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA).
March 30, 2011
Washington, DC - Press release from Motorcycle Industry Council, Media Relations
The CPSIA’s lead provisions, which require products primarily intended for children age 12 and under to meet stringent lead limits, unintentionally banned youth model ATVs and dirt bikes because certain components in the vehicles contain small amounts of lead even though the lead content poses no risk to kids..
“Senators Klobuchar's and Tester's amendment would stop the ban on youth-sized ATVs and dirt bikes,” said Paul Vitrano, general counsel of the Motorcycle Industry Council. “Unlike the CPSIA itself, Senators Klobuchar’s and Tester's amendment would leave no question that these youth-sized vehicles will be exempt from the onerous lead provisions that have resulted in many of these vehicles being pulled from the market.”
Vitrano continued, “MIC applauds Senators Klobuchar’s and Tester's leadership on this issue and looks forward to working with them and their staff to ultimately and finally stop the ban. MIC also encourages all enthusiasts to contact their Senators and let them know they support this amendment. Enthusiast and industry response on this issue have resulted in well over one million messages to Congress, but now is the time to intensify efforts and support this realistic solution.. With Senators Klobuchar and Tester championing this issue in the Senate we are making real progress.”
While Congress enacted the CPSIA to protect children, the lead provisions as they relate to youth ATVs and dirt bikes continues to have the opposite effect.
Vitrano noted, “It is clear that the lead content in youth ATVs and dirt bikes poses no risk to kids. In fact everyone, including the Consumer Product Safety Commission, agrees that the real safety issue is that kids are now at risk because the availability of youth ATVs and motorcycles is limited due to the lead ban. Senators Klobuchar’s and Tester's amendment would ensure that these vehicles are once again available to keep children off of adult-sized vehicles. ” MIC also supports similar legislation introduced in the House by United States Representative Dennis Rehberg (R-MT).
Please visit to have your voice heard and for background information, frequently asked questions, and public outreach tools for the Stop The Ban campaign.
The Motorcycle Industry Council exists to preserve, protect and promote motorcycling through government relations, communications and media relations, statistics and research, aftermarket programs, development of data communications standards, and activities surrounding technical and regulatory issues. As a not-for-profit, national industry association, MIC seeks to support motorcyclists by representing manufacturers and distributors of motorcycles, scooters, motorcycle/ATV/ROV parts and accessories, and members of allied trades such as insurance, finance and investment firms, media companies and consultants.
Good News - Senators Introduce Amendment to Exempt Youth ATV
- QuietMonkey
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Good News - Senators Introduce Amendment to Exempt Youth ATV
"Zounds! Zorched by Zarches, Spaceman Spiff's crippled craft crashes on planet Plootarg!"
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For Sale: Ninja 600 with parts bike, needs minor work, $30, no title... (GEE THAT DOESNT RING ANY WARNING BELLS DOES IT?)