Windshield or no windshield that is the question?!?!?!?

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Windshield or no windshield that is the question?!?!?!?

#1 Unread post by orlin.anderson »

Good afternoon from the Inland Northwest...

I've been considering putting a windshield on my 2004 Vulcan Classic Cruiser for a while now. One thing I cannot get passed is that I do not like how a bike with a windshield looks.... I've also heard and (read) horror stories of severe buffeting between the windshield and the helmet.. If you have a thought or an opinion on this topic I would be greatly interested in hearing it.. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Re: Windshield or no windshield that is the question?!?!?!?

#2 Unread post by GS_in_CO »

They are nice when riding long distances at high speed.
Windshield height and angle determines if you'll get helmet buffet or not.
I don't like helmet buffet either. If it does that, it has to get fixed.

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Re: Windshield or no windshield that is the question?!?!?!?

#3 Unread post by tailfinn »

i put klock on my HD , i see over top of it , no buffetting , love it....

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Re: Windshield or no windshield that is the question?!?!?!?

#4 Unread post by blues2cruise »

Get a quick release windshield. Take it off for short rides and have it on for long rides.

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Re: Windshield or no windshield that is the question?!?!?!?

#5 Unread post by fzrbiker »

blues2cruise wrote:Get a quick release windshield. Take it off for short rides and have it on for long rides.
I agree with this comment, a quick release windshield would be the best idea/product in your need.

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Re: Windshield or no windshield that is the question?!?!?!?

#6 Unread post by Ayrton.980 »

There are windshields that can be put on and removed very quickly, I recommend that you buy one, so you can have both in one.

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Re: Windshield or no windshield that is the question?!?!?!?

#7 Unread post by CorwinRT »

Ayrton.980 wrote: Tue Mar 16, 2021 11:53 am There are windshields that can be put on and removed very quickly, I recommend that you buy one, so you can have both in one.
I prefer bolt-on ones. Sturdier and safe. A neighbor installed a removable one and it didn't last long. He installed it last week along and took it for a quick spin. He accidentally slid on a sandy corner and the windshield mount was permanently damaged.

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