Strange liquid

Tricycle Squid
Tricycle Squid
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Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2018 7:56 am
Real Name: Hayden
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Years Riding: 1
My Motorcycle: 1977 Honda CB550

Strange liquid

#1 Unread post by HaydenJV »

I have a '77 Honda CB550. The vent next to the fuel cap has been recently making a gargling sound and spewing a light-brown liquid from it. I've tried draining the hose line attached to the vent opening, but the noises and liquid still continue. What is happening? And how do I resolve it?
Thanks in advance,
The One and Only :frusty:

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Re: Strange liquid

#2 Unread post by NorthernPete »

Rust mixed with gas perhaps?
1988 VN1500
2009 GS500F

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