Bike is dead after mistakenly connecting jumper cable backwards

Tricycle Squid
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Bike is dead after mistakenly connecting jumper cable backwards

#1 Unread post by granshawmetal »

I was jump starting my bike because I haven’t started it in a while and the battery didn’t have quite enough juice in it to get it going so I hooked the cables to my riding mower to jump it. But when I went to connect them to my bike I accidentally reversed them and there was a quick spark for a second and then after that the bike has had no life at all. I bought a new battery. No change. All fuses showed good continuity. My bike speakers turn on when I connect them to the batter so I know the new battery is good. But the bike shows absolutely no signs of life in any way. What’s the next step here? Thank you.

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Re: Bike is dead after mistakenly connecting jumper cable backwards

#2 Unread post by pchast »

Check the battery voltage. Trace the wire from it and find if a fusible link has melted or a hidden main fuse has blown.
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Re: Bike is dead after mistakenly connecting jumper cable backwards

#3 Unread post by asimali9 »

it happened to me also i did it on my gsx750es Suzuki 1983 i had to take out CDI unit and had the 2 diodes replaced they were 1 hom power in black color diodes cost like $1 replaced by tv electrician they were burned then put the CDI back and problem solved and replaced melted wires changed new battery and put new fuse to be on safe side please check if this is the case with u

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