The Total Motorcycle Virtual Shopping Mall
A really great place to shop for… everything.


Total Motorcycle Virtual Mall - A really great place to shop for... everything.

Welcome to the Total Motorcycle Virtual Mall. Using The Virtual Mall is easy. Just click on any of the shops. That will take you into the shop, where you will be able to see the full range of goods.

Total Motorcycle Virtual Shopping Mall Stores

Promote your online business from only $25 a month.

The Benefits: Just by having your store front at Total you have made a very wise marketing decision. Due to Total Motorcycle’s popularity we are visited by all the major search engines every hour of every day of the year. These search engines scan all our pages looking for links in our pages. By having a store front with your links, keywords and products on our site your business will benefit as these are picked up by the search engines at a much increased rate.

You also get your own FTP access to your virtual store, plus a special URL: STORE that was designed to be search engine friendly.

And…. We will also submit your Total Motorcycle Virtual Store URL to the major search engines for you… free!

Flexability: You will be provided with your own FTP account with personal secure login and password information. This FTP account will allow you to login, upload, delete or modify the pages/graphics in your virtual store on Total 24 hours a day.

The Costs:
A store front in our Virtual Shopping Mall is very affordably priced starting at only $25 a month. We do not collect any fees on what you sell or how much you sell. Just one low monthly flat rate. As a special startup incentive get 2 months free by choosing the best value yearly rate.

Virtual Shopping Mall Store Front Packages
Best Value – 2 Months FREE*
1 Month
1 Year
Small (1 MB)
Medium (2.5 MB)
Large (5 MB)
Custom (X MB)

* 12 Months at the price of 10 1 month packages. All fees in US Dollars

Need a little more package information?

Each package is designed to work well for the store size and amount of pages you want to have at the Total Motorcycle Virtual Shopping Mall. Each package upgrade has been very attractively priced so you can afford “future expansion” or just want more for your money.

The Small store package is best suited for 1 or 2 pages with text and graphics.
The Medium store package is best suited for 1 to 4 pages with text and graphics.
The Large store package is best suited for 1 to 10 pages with text and graphics.

How to Setup your Virtual Store Front

Your Total Motorcycle Virtual Store Front is not primarily designed to sell any products directly, your own website does that best. Rather it is setup so your website can gain in popularity with the search engines and customers, thus ranking much higher in search results and attracting more visitors and thus increased sales for you.

You will be provided an FTP account with personal secure login and password information. This FTP account will allow you to login and upload, delete or modify the pages/graphics in your virtual store on Total Motorcycle.

Payment Terms & Rate Conditions

– Payment Options: International Money Order, Corporate/Personal Check or Cash (not responsible for lost in the mail cash). Paypal also accepted with +7% (paypal fees).
– All fees must be paid in full in advance before your store and FTP is setup.
– Your rates will NOT INCREASE if rates go up for the duration of their contract.
– You agree to run your store for the duration of their contract term.
– Package upgrades are available. You just pay the extra in cost from one package to another. There are no refunds for going from a larger to smaller package.

Our General Guidelines

– All store pages must be tasteful in nature.
– Store pages should not be an eyesore to look at or have eye irradiating graphics or animation.
– We reserve the right to refuse any store design, graphic, text or store page.