Sorry everyone, we have been hacked (bad code hack) and I've re-uploaded the whole site (just to be sure everything is good and any hack has been eliminated) and changed all the site passwords. I am awaiting Google's review to give the site a clean bill of health, which hopefully will be shortly. Forums and galleries were untouched.
Shocked the hell out of me this morning when I tried to log on and got a attack page alert. Guess we will have to find the hackers responsible and kill them.....only question to answer is, do we do it quickly, neatly and painlessly or do we go for the long drawn out painful and gory to the max route?
ceemes wrote:Shocked the hell out of me this morning when I tried to log on and got a attack page alert. Guess we will have to find the hackers responsible and kill them.....only question to answer is, do we do it quickly, neatly and painlessly or do we go for the long drawn out painful and gory to the max route?
Ya, I feel so bad for having been hacked there, I'm so sorry for all our visitors to see the alert page... how embarassing!
Thankfully, I got it right away and I and my host delt with it as fast as possible. Seems they used a BOT that got into the FTP by brute force guessing of the server password, added an ad code (so they got paid) and uploaded the files.
The great news was the server was backed up (finished) hours before they logged in so we didn't lose anything at all... now just waiting for Google to give the green light.
I sent you a FB message about it earlier when I first noticed it happening.
Ceemes, I vote long, drawn out, painfully, and with plenty of maniacal laughter from our side. On the plus side the ads were all so it means we get to go to Ozzyland to do the deed!
Have owned - 2001 Suzuki Volusia
Current bike - 2005 Kawasaki Z750S
MMI Graduation date January 9th, 2009. Factory Certifications in Suzuki and Yamaha
UPDATE: Great news, we have a clean bill of heath from Google:
Status of the latest badware review for this site: A review for this site has finished. The site was found clean. The badware warnings from web search are being removed. Please note that it can take some time for this change to propagate.
Again, sorry for the inconvenience this hacker has caused. Andrea suggested I put something up to mention Total Motorcycle is a clean site and how TMW takes our visitors privacy and security seriously. What do you think?
Wrider wrote:
Ceemes, I vote long, drawn out, painfully, and with plenty of maniacal laughter from our side. On the plus side the ads were all so it means we get to go to Ozzyland to do the deed!
You are a cruel, vindictive, vicious and nasty piece of work Wrider, that's a trait I highly admire and one of the things I like about you.
ceemes wrote:You are a cruel, vindictive, vicious and nasty piece of work Wrider, that's a trait I highly admire and one of the things I like about you.
Awwww I feel so loved now! Not to worry, I admire you in the same ways buddy!
sapaul wrote: I am close to AUS and you know how we Souf Efrricans feel about them. just give me an address, I will post the vid
Uh uh! You're not doing this without us! I'm an , so according to world popular opinion, I should be him! (After I eat my McDonalds and figure out how to use a fork... )
Have owned - 2001 Suzuki Volusia
Current bike - 2005 Kawasaki Z750S
MMI Graduation date January 9th, 2009. Factory Certifications in Suzuki and Yamaha
I added this to our front page this morning as I think Andrea was right in suggesting it and I want to really re-assure our many visitors that not only we are a safe site but also I take their safety seriously.
Total Motorcycle back up and 100% safe again after hack attack
...In the early morning of July 25th we were hacked and bad code was added to our pages. Google was quick on the scene to alert me and our visitors to what happend (we have a close relationship with Google) and we had everything back up and running within 2 hours. I personally want to apologise for this as I take my visitors security very seriously and feel quite embarassed this happend and I'm very sorry for any inconvenience! I assure you Total Motorcycle is 100% clean and will always remain one of the safest sites you can visit. 2013 Kawasaki Motorcycle Model Guide