My whole situation has changed this year. I didn't get to ride much due to my marital changes...selling house, moving, trying to see the kids as much as possible & take them on summer vacation, working out of's been a crazy year. But now that life is settling into a rythm I am thinking of next season.
Since I crashed my MT-01, I don't think it is worth that will be staying as my "toy", but my new GF wants to ride with me so I am considering a touring bike. I'm currently leaning toward a bagger, but I do like the idea of an adventure touring bike...jury is out on that one right now but the budget is there, so since I seem to like spending my money...why save when you can have a new toy?
Just wondering what others were planning...I'm also hoping I get to go to the bike shows this year, missed them last year due to work
