Today we honor the brave men and women who have served our community. Thank you for volunteering your time and efforts to protect our community!
At Total Motorcycle we have an amazing VOLUNTEER team of moderators, who has stepped up, donated their time and have become community Hero's. Not only do they keep the posts on the forums "family friendly, useful and helpful" but they also help me block, ban and stop spammers! FIVE THOUSAND, THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY SEVEN (5,357) have been individually identified, stopped, and blocked over our communities 17 Years of service. That's A LOT of work to keep our Total Motorcycle Forums the best community forums on the internet.
Thank you Moderators and thank you community members for making TMW such a great place to be, everyday.

P.S. Feel free to ask any questions and I or one of my moderators would be happy to answer here.