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The BMW Group Autonomous Driving Campus: the first 450 days. Six questions for Elmar Frickenstein, Senior Vice President Automated Driving and Driver Assistance, BMW AG

In September 2017, you and your team moved to the Autonomous Driving Campus in Unterschleissheim. What prompted the BMW Group’s decision to create this new site? We are currently experiencing the largest paradigm shift in […]

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BMW Group’s Driver Assistance and Autonomous Driving Development department under new leadership. Alejandro Vukotich takes over at the helm, Elmar Frickenstein to retire after handover phase

Munich. On 1 January 2019, Alejandro Vukotich will take over as Senior Vice President of the BMW Group’s Driver Assistance and Autonomous Driving Development department. He is being appointed to replace Elmar Frickenstein, who has […]