Let Our Success be Your Success
300+ Million Unique Readers!
– Helping others above all else.
– Being friendly, helpful and unbiased in all that we do.
– Creating unique content to support motorcyclists and motorcycling worldwide.
– Creating a great place to come for all riders, regardless of what or where they ride.
If this sounds like a place you would want your business to be assoicated with, then read on…
Total Motorcycle has become a trusted resouce and motorcycling household name since it was founded in 2000. We are North America’s #1 motorcycle website and for good reason; we are in it to help others, not for profit. Because our main motivator is providing a helpful, useful and friendly resource first and formost, we can offer advertising rates at lower prices than others.
We want to bring the world… well, 188 million people of it… to your door at a cost anyone can afford.
Let us help you!
What we can offer you:
Traditional Advertising Options
– 728×90 Leaderboard Ads
– 468×60 Banner Ads
– 160×600 Skyscraper Ads
– 300×250/300×600/336×280 Rectangle Ads
– Static Ad Spots
Non-Traditional Advertising Options
– Static Ads
Total Motorcycle Statistics 2000-2018 |
2000 – 2018
Grand Totals |
6.2 Billion
Website Hits |
271 Million
Unique Visitors |
1.77 Billion |
Static Ads
When you want the best exposure but also want the best CPM rate.
Available in 6 month, 1 year and longer terms. The longer the term, the lower the rates. For a 1 year term expect 50 million ad views.
- As our Static Ads are featured on ALL our main template pages, all in the exact same location without rotation with other ads
- Customers will see your ad on a regular basis in the exact same location
- They cannot be blocked by any ad blockers are they are served directly from our server.
- The lowest CPM of any other type of ad.
No other ad even comes close to building the brand loyalty and brand recognition to customers.
Static ads are custom sized to your preference and are featured on the right sidebar of each page.