Cardo Systems PACKTALK Bold flying high with the Red Devils

Cardo PACKTALK BOLD - TMW Long Term Review!

Cardo Systems is proud to provide the PACKTALK Bold as the communications device of The Red Devils – the iconic parachute display team of the British Army and the Parachute Regiment.

See Total Motorcycle’s Review of the PACKTALK Bold right here:


Used by the 15-strong team while training and performing around the globe, the mesh connectivity, durability of the rugged waterproof PACKTALK Bold unit and the one-mile range were three key features which made the communication systems a suitable choice for such a demanding task.


Performing over 350 tandem parachute descents and 60 public displays every year in the UK and internationally, The Red Devils are recognized as being at the forefront of Canopy Formation Displays globally, meaning they also train with other display teams.


Sergeant Dean Walton explains: “As you can imagine, being 13,000ft up in the air and travelling at speeds of up to 120mph in sections, it’s quite hard to communicate! While we practice as much as possible, having the unit on our helmet means that we can talk if we need to. Using them during training has been fantastic – quite often, we’ve had a member of our team on the ground communicating with the team in the sky, this is where the range of a mile comes in handy!”


With 13-hours of battery life when fully charged, the units are also able to keep up with the team when they train for hours on end and the Dynamic Mesh Communication means that up to 15 members of the team can swap and change positions and move in and out of range as much as they like without worrying needing to re-connect the units manually.


Sergeant Walton concludes: “We’re extremely lucky in that we get to trial the latest and greatest equipment. What is so special about these is that they can be bought by anyone looking for a wireless communication unit. In fact, one of our team members, who rides a motorcycle, uses the unit on his bike to pair with his phone to listen to music and speak to another motorcyclist while riding!”


Find out more information about Cardo Systems and see the full range by visiting and keep up to date with The Red Devils here:


About Cardo

Cardo Systems specializes in the design, development, manufacturing and sale of state-of-the-art wireless communication and entertainment systems for motorcycle riders. Since inception in 2004, Cardo has pioneered the vast majority of innovations for Bluetooth motorcycle communication systems. The company’s products, now available in over 100 countries, are the world’s leading communication devices for the motorcycle industry.

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