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July 2003 Newsletter
The Big #2

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Isn’t it amazing? We make a massive motorcycle website, fill it with over 300 pages of information, photos, guides, reviews and more; distribute it for free to everyone in the world in 9 languages and guess what? People want MORE.

Well if you are one of those many visitors who just cannot get enough motorcycling stuff, then our Newsletters are for you!

Custom made, delivered to your E-mail box, full of new information goodies and it is totally free. What more could you ask for eh? (excuse the Canadian “eh” at the end, it is habit and yes we all talk like that here eh). haha

So sign up today, distribution (right now) is LIMITED to the first 500 people.



Welcome – A little message from us welcoming you to the community.

About Us – A bit about us, the website and our supporters.

What’s New – Briefly, way to much was added this month.

New for June on The Total Motorcycle Website:
Editorial Section
2004 Models Section Kawasaki 2004 Models!
Message Board
Live 24 Hour Motorcycle Newsfeed!
New Photo Gallery #8 and #9
Website Kudos

Time to Hit the Road – Briefly, way to much was added this month.



Welcome to the Total Motorcycle Community! Our community which we are proud you are a part of, is made up of millions of motorcyclists worldwide. If you have something to say (message boards), or have a point to get across (editorial section) then you can with the power of our community. Total Motorcycle receives over 50,000 unique visitors and 1,000,000 hits a month from 110 countries, is available in 9 languages and is growing fast. So enjoy the Total Motorcycle community, the spirit and the resource, use it to it’s fullest and give a little back if you can.


About Us

Last month we said: Many of our readers think that Total Motorcycle is a huge company with lots of staff and many specialized departments. As must as we wish this was the truth, it is not. Even though we can compete with other top ranked corporate motorcycle websites out there we are a down to earth family run “business”. I have been riding for 10 years, owned 5 bikes in that time, and still love every minute of riding. This is my wife’s first year and she is on her first bike and new riding jitters aside, loves riding too.

We have many helping hands to thank around the world for providing us with great photos for our Motorcycle Gallery, submissions to our Used Motorcycle Buyer’s Guide and Beginner’s Guide to Motorcycling as well as our Editorial section. We also whole heartidly thank those who have supported our site by their contributions, be it donations, support or just clicking on our advertising Sponsors. Without all of you, this site just would not be as successful.

The website you see today started out September 2000 with the (hopefully) well written and informative page on the 1980 Honda Hawk CB400T. This same page is still online today, and while the look has been updated, the content is still the same.

For those technically inclined: The Total Motorcycle website is created from Calgary, Alberta, Canada on a (just upgraded to a) 466mhz Celeron computer, Win98SE, 327MB Ram using Macromedia Dreamweaver 4.0, Photoshop 6, and Illustrator 10.

This month: Still want to know more eh? Well, then ok. I just got married on August 17, 2002 to my wife Andrea (her motorcycle 1981 CB400T) in Powell River, British Columbia (on the Sunshine Coast). If you haven’t been lucky enough to visit the Sunshine Coast, you are missing out on some great scenery, roads and festivals. (Click here for more).

My career is a Graphic Designer, and I’ve been doing that professionally for over 10 years now and still love it! Unfortunately, I’m currently looking for some employment due to a lay off. 🙁

We just moved (this is way the July newsletter is late) within Calgary, and while I don’t mind moving, it is moving to a smaller place (from a house with garage to a 1 bedroom apartment, no garage), and you realise just how much stuff you have! whew.

More to follow next month. haha.


What’s New

So much goes on every week here at the Total Motorcycle website. We are constantly updating information on the website, reading and writing back email from our visitors, receiving and posting bike photos, dealing with advertisers, hosts, files, as well as promotion of the community and website worldwide. There are few days of nothing to do, which I’m glad for since I can go out and enjoy riding! haha.

New for July on The Total Motorcycle Website:

Beginner’s Guide to Motorcycling UPDATED

Our Beginner’s Guide to Motorcycling is a great way to introduce new riders, returning riders and those who want to learn more about motorcycles and motorcycling. With broad information sections on everything from picking a motorcycle, insurance, riding, engines, maintenance, and more it is sure to help any rider out.

New this month are 2 new sections:

Section One 1/2: Insurance


Section Six 1/2: The Engine Wars: Single vs. V-Twin vs. In-line Four

Can you identify what engine type this is? If not, then read up on our Secion 6.5.

Section 1.5 will help you with the difference between a: Insurance Agent, Insurance Broker and Insurance Company plus much more.

I’ve personally wrote each section and have done a ton of research to help out as much as I can in these two conplex areas.

I hope you enjoy reading them. If you know a new(er) motorcyclists or another rider who would be interested in our Beginner’s Guide to Motorcycling, please let them know about it. If it keeps just one more motorcyclist on the road, it is worth the time.


Editorial Section UPDATED

Todd Radus is our main freelance writer. Unfortunately, he was on vacation, so we have to wait to get another article from him. I was hoping to have something new for this newsletter for you (sorry). But I know new editorials from Todd will be coming soon!

Editorials: Motorcycle related opinions, views, comments and conclusions for thousands of your peers to read and discuss.

The dictionary defines an editorial as the following: ed·i·to·ri·al ( P ) n. An article in a publication expressing the opinion of its editors or publishers.

But it is much more than those words alone. The word “Editorial” holds it’s own meaning and symbol. It is the ability to write and speak about what it on your mind, your rights and freedoms and as individual to get your viewpoint across no matter how many others agree or disagree with you. It has the power to touch another hart and drop a tear; or to raise a voice and a fist. But no matter what the outcome, it will have an effect on those who read them. Editorials, the freedom of speech, possibly the most powerful freedom you will ever have.


2004 Models Section UPDATED

Every new year we all line up eager to see what new models the manufacturers are offering up this year. After what seems like forever, the new information on the models are now trickling. Thanks to deep Internet searching we offer the following information for your eyes only.

Total Motorcycle is observing down to the minute all media black out information. But as soon as we are allowed to show you what we already know (and have setup on our site already), then you will be the first to know.

Read all about the new models released so far:







Vulcan™ 500 LTD
Vulcan™ 750
Vulcan™ 800
Vulcan™ 1500 Classic
Vulcan™ 1500 Nomad™




Ninja® 500R

More information on Honda, BMW and Harley-Davidson soon so stay tuned!


Message Board

While we have had our message board for a few months now, we have “upgraded” it to an easier to use, more enjoyable place to post your stuff.

New Features:

– Enhanced security for email address (no spam!)
– Anonymous posting option
– Show email address on/off
– No registration required!
– Message board daily updates/replies emailed directly to you
– 2000 message storage
– Easy to view, write, reply

Try it today and post anything motorcycle related you like!


Live 24 Hour Motorcycle Newsfeed!

We now have a dedicated 24 hour, 7 days a week live as it happens motorcycle new related newfeed. In fact, we just don’t have 1 newsfeed, we have 8 of them! How better to keep yourself up-to-the-minute updated about everything and anything in the motorcycle world. The news changes FAST so don’t forget to come back often to make sure you don’t miss anything.


New Photo Gallery #8 and #9

Our photo gallery just keeps getting bigger and better! For example, we have now surpassed 400 bike photos and have expanded our Gallery again as well. Gallery #8 and Gallery #9 are now open and almost full! Gallery #10 is not that far off!

Those that are really quick in noting changes may have noticed we moved our Photo Galleries to another server due to its size. We tried to hide the URL change, but you might of noticed it. Please do not book mark or link directly to this new URL, it may change without notice!

Remember: We WANT to post your motorcycle Photos! Submit a picture of your motorcycle to us today and join the hundreds of bikes there already being admired around the world.


Website Kudos

Quickly I’ll let you know about this section since I have to keep packing (currently moving within Calgary).

The new Website Kudos section will take you outside the Total Motorcycle Website Box. For those interested, it has visitor comments, technical stats, visitors who have supported us directly and other odds and ends.

A little success story this month is that we have been featured in Practical Living / Fine Living Magazine. That makes us happy campers for the month.


Time to hit the road

Well it is just about that time to finish the June Newsletter off there, start up the old bike, and hit the road. I hope we didn’t burn off all your gas reading this months Newsletter because you have lots of new things at the Total Motorcycle Website to check out. For those new to us, welcome to the Total Motorcycle Community!

Enjoy the website, and enjoy the ride!

Michael Le Pard
Total Motorcycle Website