Interactive Friday: Merry Christmas 2024 from TMW!

Interactive Friday: Merry Christmas 2024 from TMW!

Interactive Friday: Merry Christmas 2024 from TMW!

A Very Merry Christmas to all our readers, supporters, members and visitors! Thank you very much for keeping TMW in business in 2024 by being here and spreading the word about Total Motorcycle in our 25th year! Welcome to our special Christmas version of Interactive Friday: Merry Christmas 2024 from TMW week #319.

Also on tap are our regular Top 5 interactive posts of the week! We really hit a home run out of the park this week with the Top 5. Goes to show even with all the shopping, Santa deal hunting and tree decorating that riders still have time to do what’s most important… talk about motorbikes!!

I sure hope your year was a good one and not too challenging. For me and my wife, we had a good year overall, my wife Andrea has a wonderful job she really loves and she is blessed to be able to walk to work too. Myself, working on Total Motorcycle on a daily basis including on the weekends is fun and fulfilling to help others and pay it forward. The 2025 motorcycle guides are getting bigger and bigger each week!

Ok, let’s see the top 5 stories!

#1 was What age will you hope you’ll to keep riding to? With a massive 71 replies, 219 likes and a record breaking 10,000 views in a day!

#2 Would you ride a #motorcycle in the snow? With 63 replies! 🏍️❄️🌨️☃️⛄️⛷️🏂🎿🏍️

#3 was How long in the motorcycle saddle can you go before your butt hurts, another 58 replies.

And that’s just the top 3, which were amazing levels of interaction!

#4, Would you ride a motorcycle drone? With all this talk about mystery UFO drones in New York and New Jersey, I mean, how I can not have motorbike drone content right?

#5 Motorcycle Trivia: What am I? Bonus: I’ve used one of these on my motorcycles… 🤔🏍️

See them all below.


Outside of that, I wanted to close with a personal ask..

As 2024 draws to a close on our 25th year of Total Motorcycle… still very, very incredible achievement for any business let alone an online one, I would be mistaken to say it was an easy year, it was not. AI is becoming more aggressive with scraping content and each year, Google updates their Search Engine and late last year, Google’s September helpful content update nearly destroyed Google Search results and closed a lot of websites due to lack of traffic. So please, take the take time to extra support TMW going forward to keep the site strong going forward by visiting more often, sharing our content and not using an ad blocker for this site. We would be very appreciative if you did so.

Ok, let’s see those stories AND Merry Christmas my friends!!!

















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About Michael Le Pard 11410 Articles
"Mr. Totalmotorcycle". Owner and Founder of Total Motorcycle, the World’s Largest Motorcycle Site with over 425 million readers since 1999. Total Motorcycle is my pride and joy and being able to reach 425 million people has been incredible and I could not have done it without the support of my visitors, readers and members...thank you so much! We are all making a difference to millions of riders worldwide.