Inspiration Friday: The Art of Motorcycle Passion

Inspiration Friday: The Art of Motorcycle Passion

Inspiration Friday: The Art of Motorcycle Passion

There was a time, not long ago, when manufacturers offered stunning paint jobs in creative colors, wild patterns and embraced artistic passion. Black, grey, white, silver colors are the rage now, the “safe choices“. Today, Indian Motorcycle breaks the mold and steps out of the safe box into a brave new world of artisanship. 5 artists, 5 designs, limited to 100 of each are unveiled for the lucky owners of a FTR1200 at Wheels & Waves event in Biarritz, France at a cost of $699. Not only do you support these artists but also allow them and Indian to bring even more creativeness to an otherwise color devoid space in the market. While there is nothing wrong with black, grey, white or silver bikes in the world, every now and then we just need a splash of wild colors in our lives to add that missing “pop”.


Inspiration Friday: The Art of Motorcycle Passion


Every Friday, I (Mr. Total Motorcycle) bring you an inspiration story, hand-selected (sometimes weeks before), to highlight interesting trends, developments, interest and in this case, passion, to our loved motorcycle hobby and industry. As far as I am aware, no other motorcycle site gives you information like TMW does and shares in it with as much passion as you do. Thank you for visiting Total Motorcycle and for helping me reach and support more and more riders each year.

I would also like to thank the behind the scenes people who make The Art of Motorcycle Passion story possible by providing the images, media, releases and support.

And with that close, please enjoy today’s Friday Inspiration story: The Art of Motorcycle Passion…


Inspiration Friday: The Art of Motorcycle Passion

Five Limited-Edition Designs From Five Renowned Artists Unveiled At Wheels & Waves

In a dynamic, creative display of artisanship, Indian Motorcycle, America’s first motorcycle company, today announced its FTR™ 1200 Artist Series, a collaboration with five renowned artists on a limited-edition line of tank covers for its all-new FTR 1200. Only 100 tank covers of each design will be produced, with the five unique designs to be unveiled on June 13 at Wheels & Waves in Biarritz, France.  Sets will be available from select Indian Motorcycle dealers for $699.

Indian Motorcycle curated a lineup of artists with extremely distinct styles from street graffiti to modern abstract, in order to appeal to a wider range of consumer preferences. The artistic tank covers will allow FTR 1200 owners to instantly transform their bike into a piece of mobile fine art, while also increasing their personal connection to the FTR 1200.


Inspiration Friday: The Art of Motorcycle Passion


The five artists include:

  • Steve Caballero: A legendary skateboarding icon and original member of the famed “Bones Brigade,” Cab has forged his legacy by turning pools and half pipes into canvases for his skate artistry. Over the years, he has become well-known for his extraordinary “low-brow,” hot-rod-culture-inspired original art work. His designs are now highly sought after by brands and collectors across the skate and art industries.


  • D*Face: D*Face (a.k.a. Dean Stockton) is a leading figure in Urban Contemporary Art, inaugurating his career on the streets more than 15 years ago. He originally entered the scene by hand-drawing stickers and posters, adhering them all over London and beyond for the unsuspecting public to discover. His work has since evolved, from fine art gallery shows to full-scale outdoor mural installations that transform urban landscapes and high-rise buildings into massive works of art.


  • Adam Turman: A home-grown visionary from Indian Motorcycle’s very own backyard of Minneapolis, Turman is known best for large-scale, vivid and dynamic wall-mural installations throughout the Midwest. He began his art career by creating gig posters for local bands, taking inspiration from the bold, graphic style of 1980s comics and heavy metal art. Turman’s keen ability to marry his bold, vivid artistic visions with strategic-marketing objectives has made him one of the Midwest region’s most sought-after commercial artists.


  • ThankYouX: ThankYouX (a.k.a. Ryan Wilson) began his artistic journey on the streets of Los Angeles in 2009 spray painting stencils in homage to Andy Warhol. While these signature stencils were his initial calling card, they were only scratching the surface of his multi-faceted artistic identity. As his level of notoriety expanded, the nature of his expression evolved to modern abstract designs that stand in contrast to the more conventional graffiti-inspired street-art paradigm. His unique brand of street art has captured attention and earned acclaim around the world.


  • RISKA true “O.G.” in the world of graffiti, RISK began his career as a founding member of the WCA (West Coast Artists) graffiti crew.  RISK was one of the first graffiti writers in Southern California to paint freight trains and pioneered the use of billboards and freeway overpasses as artistic canvases.  Over several decades his career has transitioned from the streets to museums, galleries and clothing lines.  Risk is an innovative contemporary artist who now incorporates everything from advanced: “color theory” to “neon” in his body of work.


Inspiration Friday: The Art of Motorcycle Passion


The FTR 1200 stands as Indian Motorcycle’s most-customizable platform to date, featuring four distinct accessory collections, designed to modify the bike’s overall look and feel based on the unique tastes and styles of different riders. With its fuel tank located beneath the seat, the FTR 1200 airbox sits directly over the motor where fuel tanks more commonly reside. This allows for tank covers that are easy to remove and interchange, making the process of customization and personalization even more efficient for riders.

“Art and motorcycles share a common thread of self-expression, and for motorcycles, customization is where self-expression truly comes to life,” said Reid Wilson, Senior Director of Marketing and Product for Indian Motorcycle. “The FTR 1200 and its diverse accessory collections, were purposefully designed to enable a rider’s desire for self-expression, and the Artist Series serves that same purpose in a highly artistic fashion.”

An episodic content series, scheduled to debut shortly after Wheels & Waves, will showcase each of the five artists, their design process, The Art of Motorcycle Passion, and their unique airbox cover designs.


Inspiration Friday: The Art of Motorcycle Passion



Indian Motorcycle Company is America’s First Motorcycle Company®. Founded in 1901, Indian Motorcycle has won the hearts of motorcyclists around the world and earned distinction as one of America’s most legendary and iconic brands through unrivaled racing dominance, engineering prowess and countless innovations and industry firsts. Today that heritage and passion is reignited under new brand stewardship. To learn more, please visit

About Michael Le Pard 11134 Articles
"Mr. Totalmotorcycle". Owner and Founder of Total Motorcycle, the World’s Largest Motorcycle Site with over 425 million readers since 1999. Total Motorcycle is my pride and joy and being able to reach 425 million people has been incredible and I could not have done it without the support of my visitors, readers and members...thank you so much! We are all making a difference to millions of riders worldwide.