Knucklehead – 1936 Harley-Davidson Engine Design
K&N – Very popular aftermarket company that manufactures air and oil filters. They are washable and reusable but require special K&N filter oil. K&N claims greater engine efficiency with use.
Kangaroo leather – Finer, more closely interwoven fibres and a tighter structure make this leather even more durable than cowhide.
Kat – Katana Models
Kawayamahondaharleyzuki – Any bike built with parts found along the way
Keep the dirty side down – Ride safe don’t lay the bike down.
Keprotec – A blend of Kevlar® and PA fibres which adds to the already excellent Kevlar® characteristics of stretchability and resistance to abrasion. Used to reinforce those areas which are most at risk in the event of a fall (elbows, shoulders, knees, thumbs, etc.).
Kevlar® – Kevlar® is the strongest fiber known to man. Kevlar® is made by Dupont and for apparel use comes in a thread form. In a pure weave Kevla®r does not stretch and is not suitable for use in motorcycle apparel where abrasion is important. Cycleport makes suits from a Kevlar®/Cordura®/Lycra® weave. This specially blended Kevlar® material meets and surpasses all requirements for motorcycle apparel. Cycleport’s Kevlar® suits are the only synthetic apparel approved by the F.I.M., the A.M.A., the W.E.R.A. and many other racing organizations. A para-aramide fibre, which is five times stronger than steel at the same weight. The melting point is 450 °C.
Keystone frame – An American term to describe a diamond-type frame in which the engine serves as part of the structure.
Kickstand – An arm attached to a motorcycle that swings out from the left side to support the bike at rest. Also called a Sidestand.
Kicking Tires – Slang term for standing around motorcycles and talking about them.
Kick start – Before motorcycles had electric starters, they all used kick starters. A lever that one would kick to turn the engine.
Kilowatt – A unit of power equal to 1000 watt. 0,746 kW equals one horsepower. A kW is equal to one kilojoule per second.
Kinnipullin Pin – Clevis pin
Knucklebuster – Open-end wrench
Knuck – Knucklehead – 1. A type of Harley-Davidson engine manufactured prior to 1948, which was characterized by large nuts on the right side of engine above the cylinders. Appearance is somewhat similar to knuckles. 2. 2. Slang of Harley-Davidson Knucklehead engine (V-Twin, produced from 1936 – 1947). Name comes from the valve covers that look like the knuckles of a clinched fist. 3. Harley-Davidson’s first overhead valve Big Twin.
Kwak – (pronounced Quack), Kwaker , Kaw (pronounced cow) Kawasaki