My Wife’s First Motorcycle.
Honda Hawks’ are great starter bikes with their light weight, good balance, neutral steering and forgiving attitude. Unfortunately in this part of the world, they are getting harder to find in good running shape.
When introduced, the CB400T was Honda’s attempt at a 400cc sport bike and with 43ph and full weight of under 400lbs they are able to fit right in the middle with other small sport bikes (Ninja ZZR250 and Ninja EX500).
If you are thinking of picking one up, they are low cost, easily maintained, and offer good performance (145km/h).
Andrea has now fully completed her Motorcycle Safety Foundation course (MSF) and graduated with 100%. Since these photos were taken, she has the motorcycle insured and plated. ($180 cdn for PDPL 1 Million, new rider with MSF on the 1981 CB400T).
Here is the ad we found in the buy and sell:
THE ad: 81 Honda Hawk CB400T, full windshield, tail rack, roll bars, runs great.
It all started from there with 24,711km…
Here are some of the before photos. I had to ride it home in January when the temperatures were freezing (-7oC), but at least the roads were OK. The CB400T didn’t mind the cold and started up and ran great all the way home to sleep for a few months.
Click for larger Photo
After the few months of hibernation, wash and 3 step wax job:
We decided to give the bike a more up-to-date look at removed the luggage rack and huge windshield. Also to make the bike easier to ride and as light as possible for a new rider.
Under heavy Construction, please come back soon…
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