2023 MotoTrials USA National Championship Winners & Results

Rounds 7 & 8

Rhode Island

July 29th – 30th, 2023

The 2023 National Trial season has concluded for the Beta Factory Team riders as well as other Beta-mounted riders. Beta is by far the most entered brand in the national competition, and has supported riders since the 1980’s at all NATC National events. The Beta team is led by ten-time Champion Ray Peters. The final round was held in Rhode Island and was the site where the East series and NATC season concluded. The competition was strong and the sections were tough at the final rounds. Rain before the Saturday round made for very slick and dangerous conditions. The following day the conditions improved as the riders locked in to finish the championship out on a high note. Congratulations to Sherman Smith III for taking home the East Series Championship in the JR Expert Sportsman class!

Event Results

Rider Rd 7 & 8 Results Overall Series Class
Alex Niederer 4th / 5th 5th Pro
Cole Cullins 7th / 7th 7th Pro
Jay Gregorowicz 6th / 9th 3rd Expert
Kevin Murphy 7th / 4th 4th Expert
Mika Lonsdale 3rd / 3rd 3rd Junior Expert
Sherman Smith III


1st / 1st 1st Junior Expert Sportsman

Alex Niederer

EVO Factory 300

Pro Class


The day started ok, I actually thought it wasn’t going so well, but turns out the sections were just super hard. After the first loop I looked at the scores and we were right in the mix, fighting for the podium. We dug deep and did everything we could. Unfortunately, we got a little bit unlucky in some sections. The sections were slippery, challenging, and long. Unfortunately, we timed out of a couple only feet from the exit, which was a bummer because we ended up only 5 points from the podium. But 4th place put me in a good position going into Sunday for a top 5 for the season.


Unfortunately, I did not sleep well, I was feeling the effects from the long and hot day the day before, but we went into the day with confidence, looking to get that first podium of the season. The first loop was again, right where it needed to be, only 1 point off third place. The second loop started really well clean through the first three sections, then section 4 again timed out 10 feet from the exit, and a clean again in section 5. Then in section 6 the second loop, it all came unraveled as I had a big crash while rushing to get out of the section in time. I injured my thumb pretty badly, I will need to get it checked out when I get home to make sure it is not broken, my minder Tom duct taped my thumb and helped me get my glove back on and at that point, the mission was no longer podium, but to finish the day in the top 5 and get top 5 in the series overall. We did it, we finished, and even with my messed up thumb we had some really nice rides and got 5th place on the day and overall for the championship.

Personally, I would have liked to challenge for the podium a little more regularly this year, but unfortunately, it just was not there. I want to give a massive thanks to the entire BETA USA team that is behind all of us all year long to make this happen.

Cole Cullins

EVO Factory 300

Pro Class

“The Rhode Island National was a hard one for sure! I was fighting just to make it through as many sections as possible.

The positive is that my health is a lot better than in Colorado & Oregon. Even with the high heat and humidity, I had no issues. The other positive is that my Beta worked flawlessly all weekend.

My first year as a pro was a learning experience for sure, but in the end, I just need to be better to be competitive at this level. I’ve got some work to do before next year and that’s all there is to it.”

Jay Gregorowicz

EVO Factory 300

Expert Class

“National Finals this weekend were probably the toughest I’ve ridden to date. Saturday was super hot and humid after the downpour Friday night. The sections were set for dry conditions and proved to be almost unrideable on both days. A sixth and ninth weren’t what I was hoping for but I ended up 3rd overall for the 2023 season which I feel is respectable at 41. Huge thanks to Beta USA and Ray Peters for an awesome season.”

Kevin Murphy

EVO Factory 250

Expert Class

“This weekend was probably the toughest trials I have ever ridden. I went P7 on Saturday to only being off of 3rd place by 9 points on Sunday. It was that tight of scores. With that 7th place, I had 104 points. Lots of crashes on some dangerous obstacles. The kinds where if you mess up something gets broken. The bike performed awesome. Sunday I placed 4th coming in with 98 points and tied for 3rd but lost by 2 cleans. Sunday was easier but, much more terrifying. I was able to keep the bike underneath me a bit better but still had some big wrecks. Overall a fun weekend and a great way to end the season.”

Mike Lonsdale

EVO Factory 125

Jr. Expert Class

“I had quite the introduction to Rhode Island this weekend at the final two rounds of the NATC National Championship. I brought home P3 both days and ended the season in third place in the Junior Expert Championship. My Beta Factory Evo 125 performed amazingly all season, with not a single mechanical! Thanks to Jitsie for keeping me feeling and looking cool all season!”

Sherman Smith III

EVO Factory 125

Jr. Expert

Sportsman Class

“The last rounds of the NATC National Trials Series in Rhode Island went well! After practice on Thursday and Friday, I felt prepared going into this event. However, the rain on Friday night meant the terrain had changed significantly. The slick rocks and mud as well as some very difficult sections made for a higher scoring day. I fought hard to ride as well as I could, and despite one mistake, I was able to pull out the win. On Sunday the sections had dried out a little and were a bit easier than Saturday. However, this didn’t mean I could take a break or not try as hard, I knew every point was going to matter. I took home the win on Sunday as well as the National Championship Title in the JES class! I’ve had a blast this year riding everywhere I have with everyone. Our team this year was great and I can’t wait to see what 2024 has to offer!”

Other Beta-Mounted National Winners

Rider Round Wins East Overall Class
Gary Bourque Round 7 & 8 Champion SR Expert Sportsman
Joshua Metzger Round 7 & 8 Champion Expert Sportsman
Trevor Howarth Round 7 & 8 Champion SR – Clubman
Abigail Buzzelli Round 7 & 8 Champion Clubwoman
Connor Mast Round 8 Clubman
Derek Martinson Round 7 & 8 Champion SR-40
Andy Saum Round 8 Champion SR-50
Paul-Yvan BeLanger Round 7 SR-60
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