Welcome to Your Store Front
How to setup Your Virtual Store Front


Just by having your store front at Total Motorcycle.com you have made a very wise marketing decision. Due to Total Motorcycle’s popularity we are visited by all the major search engines every hour of every day of the year. These search engines scan all our pages looking for links in our pages. By having a store front with your links, keywords and products on our site your business will benefit as these are picked up by the search engines at a much increased rate.

How to Setup your Virtual Store Front

Your Total Motorcycle Virtual Store Front is not primarily designed to sell any products directly, your own website does that. Rather it is setup so your website can gain in popularity with the search engines, thus ranking much higher in search results and attracting more visitors and thus increased sales for you.

What you want to do is to make your own HTM or HTML index page (index.htm or index.html) with LOTS of text that is relevant to your store, your area and what you sell.

The most important thing to have on your virtual store front page is to have many valid links to your site, your products and your pages. This will greatly help the search engine spiders to go from your store front at Total Motorcycle (where they found your store in the first place) to your store on your server.

Search engines DO NOT care about graphics, flash or other “eye candy” as they are only interested in text. This is not to suggest that you have only a text page and no graphics. It is suggested that you do have pictures on your page but to have a good amount of relevant text on your page as well.

As long as you stay within your stores account size quota you are free to create as many pages and folders as you like in your virtual store on Total Motorcycle. Thus if your stores account size quota is 1 megabyte, do not upload more than 1 megabyte in data. If you do so you will be charged extra fees or asked to upgrade your account to a larger one.

You will be provided an FTP account with personal secure login and password information. This FTP account will allow you to login and upload, delete or modify the pages/graphics in your virtual store on Total Motorcycle.

Please read the TermsandConditions.txt file included in your account. Failure to follow the Terms and Conditions will result in deletion of account without compensation.

Please DO NOT Delete or over right this file (home.htm) as this file is a keyword page that will help the search engines find your Virtual Store Front and folder contents. If you do accidentally delete it let us know and we will upload it for you again.