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HotelsCombined.com is a unique search engine that consumers can use to find hotel availability and rates, and to compare prices and offers from multiple merchants. Using our service, travelers no longer have to search websites one by one to find the best deals and lowest rates. Once you find the supplier suitable for your needs, we link you through to the supplier website to book directly.
We are independent and are not paid to promote any particular website or hotel. We are committed to showing the “complete picture” for any hotel that can be booked on the Internet today. Search over 900,000 global hotel deals from over 30 merchants, and access over 1.5m consumer reviews, 3m hotel images, 2m hotel descriptions and maps. Conveniently search multiple hotel reservation websites simultaneously to find the lowest prices – in one search and on the one website. HotelsCombined.com searches the hotel websites directly and in real-time ensuring you receive the latest prices and availability.
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Hotels.com offers more than 40,000 properties worldwide in over 400 destinations – from hotels and B&B’s to condos and all inclusive resorts. Hotels.com also specializes in providing travelers with accommodations during sold-out periods.We know the hotel experience is an important part of your trip so Hotels.com offers travelers the information they need to book the perfect trip all backed by the hotels.com Low Price Guarantee. Book a great room at a great discount right now.