Our conversion guide to calculate / convert from one unit of measure to another.
Convert Minims, Cubic Centimeters (centimetres) (cc), Pennyweight, Scruples, Fluid Drachms, Fluid Drams, Teaspoons, Tablespoons, Cubic Inches, Fluid Ounces, Deciliters, Gills, Cups, Pints, Quarts, Liters, Board feet, Pecks, Dekaliters, Gallons (US), Gallons (Imperial), Cubic feet, Bushels, Barrels (oil), Cubic yards, Displacement tons, Cubic meters, Cords, Register tons, Acre-inches, Water tons or Acre-feet volume in one easy step. Simple and accurate. Metric or Imperial units.
Volume Conversion
Value |
Convert From
Convert To
1. Type in a number in the VALUE box.
2. Choose a temperature measurement in the CONVERT FROM box: Minims (Liq.), Cubic Centimeters (centimetres) (cc), Pennyweight (Troy), Scruples (apoth.), Fluid Drachms (Brit.), Fluid Drams (US), Teaspoons, Tablespoons, Cubic Inches, Fluid Ounces,
Deciliters, Gills (Liq.), Cups (Liq.), Pints (Liq.), Pints (dry), Quarts (Liq., US), Quarts (Liq., Imperial), Liters, Quarts (dry), Board feet (lumber), Pecks, Dekaliters, Gallons (US), Gallons (Imperial), Cubic feet, Bushels, Barrels (oil), Cubic yards, Displacement tons (shipping), Cubic meters, Cords (wood), Register tons (shipping), Acre-inches (US),
Water tons (British), Acre-feet (US) or Acre-feet (British)3. Choose a temperature measurement in the CONVERT TO box: Minims (Liq.), Cubic Centimeters (centimetres) (cc), Pennyweight (Troy), Scruples (apoth.), Fluid Drachms (Brit.), Fluid Drams (US), Teaspoons, Tablespoons, Cubic Inches, Fluid Ounces,
Deciliters, Gills (Liq.), Cups (Liq.), Pints (Liq.), Pints (dry), Quarts (Liq., US), Quarts (Liq., Imperial), Liters, Quarts (dry), Board feet (lumber), Pecks, Dekaliters, Gallons (US), Gallons (Imperial), Cubic feet, Bushels, Barrels (oil), Cubic yards, Displacement tons (shipping), Cubic meters, Cords (wood), Register tons (shipping), Acre-inches (US),
Water tons (British), Acre-feet (US) or Acre-feet (British)Done!
The Conversion will appear automatically in the CONVERSION box.