Our conversion guide to calculate / convert from one unit of measure to another.
Our Online Converter Guide is a resource to quickly and easily
convert from one metric or imperial unit to another.
Fuel Economy Converters
(Tip: Use this to convert US/imp MPG to km/litre or L/100km)
Conversion to/from: US MPG, Imperial MPG, km/litre, L/100km, US Gallons, Imperial Gallons or Litres.
Force & Torque Converters
(Tip: Use this to convert Nm to lbs/ft or lbs/ft to Nm)
Conversion to/from: Dynes, Newtons, Poundals, Pounds force (torque, lbf) or kips (Kilopounds).
Speed & Velocity Converters
(Tip: Use this to convert mph to kph or kph to mph)
Conversion to/from: Angstroms, Astronomical Units, Chains (Sur.), Cubits, Decimeters, Dekameters, Fathoms, Feet, Furlongs, Hectometers, Inches, Kilometers, Light Years, Links (Sur.), Meters, Microns (µ), Miles, Millimeters, Mils, Parsecs, Picas, Rods (Sur.), Spans or Yards
Microsecond, Millisecond, Second, Minute, Hour, Day , Week, Fortnight, Year (365 days) or Year (365.25 days)
Temperature Converters
Conversion to/from: Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin, Rankine or Reaumur.
Length and Distance Converters
Conversion to/from: Angstroms, Microns (µ), Millimeters (Millimetres), Centimeters (Centimetres), Decimeters (Decimetres), Meters (Metres), Dekameters (Decametres), Hectometers (Hectometers), Kilometers (Kilometres), Mils, Picas, Inches, Links, Spans, Feet, Cubits, Yards, Fathoms, Rods, Chains, Furlongs, Miles, International Nautical Miles, Astronomical Units, Light Years or Parsecs.
Area Converters
Conversion to/from: Square centimeters (Square centimetres), Square meters (Square metres), Square kilometers (Square kilometres), Ares, Hectares, Square inches, Square feet, Square yards, Square rods, Square chains, Cuerdas, Acres or Square miles.
Weight Converters
Conversion to/from: Micrograms (µg), Milligrams (mg), Centigrams, Grains, Decigrams, Carats (metic), Carats (1877), Grams, Pennyweight (Troy), Scruples (Apoth.), Drams (Avdp.), Drams (Troy), Dekagrams, Ounces (Avdo.), Ounces (Troy), Centals (Troy), Hectograms, Pounds (Troy), Pounds (Avdp.), Kilograms, Cloves (Brit.), Stone (Brit.), Myriagrams, Short (Net) Hundred weight, Long (Gross) Hundred weight, Short (Net) Tons, Metric Tones (tonnes) or Long (Gross) Tons.
Volume Converters
Conversion to/from: Minims (Liq.), Cubic Centimeters (cc) (Cubic Centimetres (cc)), Pennyweight Troy), Scruples (apoth.), Fluid Drachms (Brit.), Fluid Drams (US), Teaspoons, Tablespoons, Cubic Inches, Fluid Ounces, Deciliters, Gills (Liq.), Cups (Liq.), Pints (Liq.), Pints (dry), Quarts ((Liq., US), Quarts ((Liq., Imperial), Liters, Quarts (dry), Board feet (lumber), Pecks, Dekaliters, Gallons (US), Gallons (Imperial), Cubic feet, Bushels, Barrels (oil), Cubic yards, Displacement tons (shipping), Cubic meters, Cords (wood), Register tons (shipping), Acre-inches (US), Water tons (British), Acre-feet (US) or Acre-feet (British)
Energy Converters
Conversion to/from: Ergs, Calories, Joules, Foot-pounds, Kilocalories, BTU, Foot-tons, Watt-hours or Horsepower-hours.
Power Converters
Conversion to/from: Statwatts, Milliwatts, BTU/hour, Watts, Ft-lb/sec, BTU/minute, Metric Horsepower, Horsepower, Kilowatts, BTU/second, Ton (refrig.), Megawatts or Gigawatts.
Pressure Converters
Conversion to/from: Pascals, Millibars/Hectopascals, Inches of water column, Kilopascals (kPa), Inches of mercury (in Hg), Pounds/square inch (psi), Atmospheres (standard), Megapascals (MPa) or Kilopounds/square inch (ksi).