Give the Gift of the Awe-Inspiring Outdoors with New California State Parks Pass

Save the Redwoods League and California State Parks ring in the holidays and celebrate League’s anniversary with a limited edition Centennial Redwood Celebration Golden Poppy Annual Pass

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 10, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Each pass allows entry of one passenger vehicle with up to nine people, or one motorcycle. Sweaters shrink, ties go out of style, electronic gadgets become obsolete, but redwood forests and memories of family visits to parks last forever. This holiday season, Save the Redwoods League and California State Parks have teamed up once again to make it possible for holiday shoppers to give the gift of the great outdoors.

For just $125, your friends and family will enjoy a full year of unlimited visits to more than 110 state parks! The popular “Golden Poppy” Annual Pass includes many of the premiere destination parks from the awe-inspiring redwoods to popular state reserves to the stunning Monterey coast.

“With many shoppers looking to give their loved ones unforgettable experiences, purchasing the Centennial Redwood Celebration Golden Poppy Annual Pass is a fantastic way to share our unique California treasures and celebrate redwoods this holiday season and throughout 2018,” said Sam Hodder, President and Chief Executive Officer, Save the Redwoods League. “All proceeds from this pass will protect and steward redwood forests and other state parks throughout California, which has been the mission of Save the Redwoods League for the past 100 years.”

“Giving the gift of our new annual pass is a perfect way for friends and families to enjoy exercise and fresh air in California’s incredibly beautiful places and learn about our state’s fascinating natural and cultural history,” said Lisa Mangat, Director, California State Parks.

How to Order

Each pass allows entry of one passenger vehicle with up to nine people, or one motorcycle, at select California State Parks; complete list at The pass is available by email [email protected], by phone at (800) 77 7-0369 ext. 2 or in person at the California State Parks Store located at 1416 9th Street, Room 116, Sacramento, CA. To ensure that the Centennial Redwood Celebration Golden Poppy Annual Pass arrives in time for the holidays, please call, email or visit the store by 3 p.m. Friday, December 15, 2017.

For more information, please contact the Park Pass Sales Office at (800) 777-0369 ext. 2, (916) 653-8280, or [email protected]. Note: Lost or stolen passes cannot be replaced, and no refunds can be issued.

About Save the Redwoods League

Walk through a redwood forest — home of the tallest, largest, and some of the oldest living beings on Earth — and you can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of awe and peace among these magnificent giants. Since 1918, Save the Redwoods League has led the effort to protect the coast redwoods and giant sequoias for all to experience and enjoy. The League has protected more than 204,000 acres of redwood forest and associated land. For more information, please visit, or to sign up for updates, please visit

About California State Parks

The California Department of Parks and Recreation provides for the health, inspiration and education of the people of California by helping to preserve the state’s extraordinary biological diversity, protecting its most valued natural and cultural resources, and creating opportunities for high-quality outdoor recreation. Off-highway motor vehicle recreation, boating activities, horseback riding, on and off-road cycling, hiking, camping, and rock climbing are some of the recreational activities enjoyed in 280 state parks organized into 22 field districts throughout the state. Visit us at

The Centennial Redwood Celebration Golden Poppy Annual Pass is valid for 12 months from the month purchased. This pass does not provide access to Off Highway Motor Vehicular Recreation areas (OHV), is not valid at the high demand Southern California Beach Parks, is not valid for camping, boat use fees, oversized vehicle fees, additional/extra vehicle fees, sanitation disposal use, or other supplemental fees, and is valid only in parks operated by California State Parks.

Parks Accepting Centennial Redwood Celebration Golden Poppy Annual Pass
Anderson Marsh SHP Folsom Lake SRA Palomar Mountain SP
Andrew Molera SP Folsom Powerhouse SHP Patrick’s Point SP
Angel Island SP* Fort Ross SHP Pescadero SB
Annadel SP Fremont Peak SP Pfeiffer Big Sur SP
Año Nuevo SNR Gaviota SP Picacho SRA
Antelope Valley CA Poppy Reserve (SNR) George J. Hatfield SRA Pismo SB
Anza-Borrego Desert SP Grizzly Creek Redwoods SP Point Lobos SNR
Armstrong Redwoods SNR Grover Hot Springs SP Pomponio SB
Auburn SRA Half Moon Bay SB Portola Redwoods SP
Austin Creek SRA Hendy Woods SP Prairie Creek Redwoods SP
Benbow Lake SRA Henry Cowell Redwoods SP Red Rock Canyon SP
Benicia SRA Henry W. Coe SP Refugio SB
Bethany Reservoir SRA Humboldt Redwoods SP Richardson Grove SP
Bidwell-Sacramento River SP Indian Grinding Rock SHP Russian Gulch SP
Big Basin Redwoods SP Jack London SHP Saddleback Butte SP
Border Field SP Jedediah Smith Redwoods SP Salt Point SP
Bothe-Napa Valley SP Julia Pfeiffer Burns SP Salton Sea SRA
Butano SP King’s Beach SRA Samuel P. Taylor SP
Calaveras Big Trees SP La Purisima Mission SHPLake Oroville SRA San Buenaventura SB
California Citrus SHP Lake Perris SRA San Gregorio SB
Carpinteria SB MacKerricher SP San Luis Reservoir SRA
Castle Crags SP Malakoff Diggins SHP Seacliff SB
Castle Rock SP Manresa SB Silverwood Lake SRA
Caswell Memorial SP Marshall Gold Discovery SHP Sinkyone Wilderness SP
China Camp SP McArthur-Burney Falls Memorial SP Sonoma Coast SB
Chino Hills SP McConnell SRA South Yuba River SP
Clear Lake SP McGrath SB Standish-Hickey SRA
Colonel Allensworth SHP Millerton Lake SRA Sugarloaf Ridge SP
Colusa-Sacramento River SRA Mono Lake Tufa SNR Sunset SB
Cuyamaca Rancho SP Morro Bay SP The Forest of Nisene Marks SP
D.L. Bliss SP Mount Diablo SP Tomales Bay SP
Del Norte Coast Redwoods SP Mount San Jacinto SP Topanga SP
Donner Memorial SP Mount Tamalpais SP Tule Elk SNR Van Damme SP
Ed Z’Berg Sugar Pine Point SP Natural Bridges SB Wilder Ranch SP
El Capitan SB New Brighton SB Will Rogers SHP
Emerald Bay SP Olompali SHP William B. Ide Adobe SHP
Emma Wood SB Pacheco SP


Contact: Gus Nodal

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