Honda Consolidated Financial Summary for the Fiscal First Half Ended September 30, 2017


Honda Motor Co., Ltd. announced its consolidated financial results for the fiscal first half ended September 30, 2017.

Consolidated sales revenue for the fiscal first half (April 1, 2017 through September 30, 2017) amounted to 7,489.2 billion yen, an increase of 11.2% compared to the same period last year, due primarily to an increase in sales revenue from all businesses and favorable foreign currency translation effects.

Consolidated operating profit for the fiscal first half amounted to 422.1 billion yen, a decrease of 14.7% compared to the same period last year, due primarily to the loss related to the settlement of multidistrict class action litigation and the reverse effect from the impact of pension plan amendments in previous fiscal year. This was despite profit-increasing factors such as an increase in profit related to changes in sales volume and model mix and cost reduction efforts.

Consolidated profit before income taxes for the fiscal first half amounted to 577.6 billion yen, an increase of 3.3% compared to the same period last year, due primarily to an increase in share of profit of investments accounted for using the equity method.

Consolidated profit for the fiscal first half attributable to owners of the parent amounted to 381.3 billion yen, an increase of 8.4% compared to the same period last year.

Reflecting an increase in consolidated motorcycle unit sales and the favorable foreign currency effects, the following upward revisions were made to the previously announced consolidated financial forecasts for the current fiscal year (April 1, 2017 through March 31, 2018). The forecast for consolidated sales revenue was revised upward by 550.0 billion yen to 15.05 trillion yen, operating profit was revised upward by 20.0 billion yen to 745.0 billion yen, and the forecast for profit for the current fiscal year attributable to owners of the parent was revised upward by 40.0 billion yen to 585.0 billion yen.

The quarterly dividend for the fiscal second quarter will be 24 yen per share (an increase of 2 yen per share compared to the same period last year), and total dividends to be paid for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2018 are expected to be 96 yen per share (an increase of 4 yen per share compared to the previous fiscal year).

At the board of directors meeting held today, Honda resolved the following details regarding the acquisition of its own shares:

・Class of shares and the total number of shares to be acquired: Shares of common stock,
24 million shares (maximum)
・Total amount of acquisition: Up to 90 billion yen
・Period of acquisition: From November 2, 2017 through January 31, 2018

Moreover, striving to further enhance its capital policies, Honda decided to revise its dividend policy.
Honda has always positioned shareholder return as one of the top priorities for the company management and had a policy of “the present goal is to maintain a shareholders’ return ratio of approximately 30%.” This time, Honda revised the policy to “with respect to dividends, the present goal is to realize a return ratio alone of approximately 30%.” Along with the revision of dividend policy, Honda will acquire its own shares when appropriate for the purpose of improving capital efficiency and implementing necessary capital policy in a flexible manner.

Consolidated Financial Results for the Fiscal First Half

Fiscal first half ended
Sept. 30, 2016
(6 months period)
Fiscal first half
Sept. 30, 2017
(6 months period)
Honda Group
Unit Sales*1
(million units)
Motorcycles 8.890 9.937 +1.047
Automobiles*3 2.431 2.559 +0.128
Power Products 2.728 2.589 -0.139
Unit Sales*2
(million units)
Motorcycles 5.873 6.691 +0.818
Automobiles*3 1.798 1.807 +0.009
Power Products 2.728 2.589 -0.139
(billion yen)
Sales revenue 6,734.6 7,489.2 +754.5
Operating profit 494.9 422.1 -72.7
Share of profit of investments accounted for using the equity method 67.0 135.2 +68.1
Profit before income taxes 559.0 577.6 +18.5
Profit for the period attributable to owners of the parent 351.7 381.3 +29.5
Quarterly dividend per share (yen) 44 48 +4
Rate (yen)
USD= 105 111 Down by
6 yen

Forecasts for the Fiscal Year ending March 31, 2018 (FY18)

Previously announced FY18
Newly announced FY18 forecasts
Difference compared to FY17 results Difference compared to previously announced forecasts
Honda Group
Unit Sales*1
(million units)
Motorcycles 17.661 18.770 19.180 +1.519 +0.410
Automobiles*3 5.028 5.080 5.130 +0.102 +0.050
Power Products 6.121 6.165 6.165 +0.044
Unit Sales*2
(million units)
Motorcycles 11.237 12.220 12.620 +1.383 +0.400
Automobiles*3 3.683 3.685 3.690 +0.007 +0.005
Power Products 6.121 6.165 6.165 +0.044
(billion yen)
Sales revenue 13,999.2 14,500.0 15,050.0 +1,050.8 +550.0
Operating profit 840.7 725.0 745.0 -95.7 +20.0
Share of profit of investments accounted for using the equity method 164.7 180.0 205.0 +40.2 +25.0
Profit before income taxes 1,006.9 900.0 955.0 -51.9 +55.0
Profit for the year
attributable to owners of the
616.5 545.0 585.0 -31.5 +40.0
Annual dividend per share (yen) 92 96 96 +4
Rate (yen)
USD= 108 107 109
Q3:110 yen
Q4:105 yen
Down by
1 yen
Down by
2 yen
  • *1Honda Group Unit Sales is the total unit sales of the completed products (motorcycles, ATVs, side-by-sides, automobiles, power products) of Honda, its consolidated subsidiaries and its affiliates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method.
  • *2Consolidated Unit Sales is the total unit sales of the completed products (motorcycles, ATVs, side-by-sides, automobiles, power products) corresponding to consolidated sales revenue, which consists of unit sales of completed products of Honda and its consolidated subsidiaries.
  • *3Certain sales of automobiles that are financed with residual value type auto loans by our Japanese finance subsidiaries and sold through our consolidated subsidiaries are accounted for as operating leases in conformity with IFRS and are not included in consolidated sales revenue to the external customers in our automobile business. Accordingly, they are not included in Consolidated Unit Sales, but are included in Honda Group Unit Sales of our automobile business.

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