Rider Inspiration Friday – 315 Million Riders Need You!

Supporting Total Motorcycle - 315 Million Riders Need You!

Supporting Total Motorcycle - 315 Million Riders Need You!

Happy Friday everyone! This week’s Rider Inspiration Friday is about helping and supporting riders through Total Motorcycle and frankly we could use your help. As TMW approaches 20 years online you have made a big difference in millions of riders around the world just by visiting and using the site. TMW does not sell anything nor regularly ask for donations either. All information is free, there are no memberships or costs and this will not change. This year I am asking for some help to reach even more riders, help us create even more video and written content, acquire additional review equipment and expand our social subscribers. That is where you come in as we can only do so much on our own.


Pure motor racing feeling with the new BMW Motorrad racing suit

2019 Goals:

Reach Even More Riders

Total Motorcycle has over 315 million readers in the past 20 years. We have helped million of new and returning riders get into motorcycling, get on a bike and discover the world of freedom riding brings. We want to reach even more people. Motorcycling in parts of the world is in trouble. The average age of riders is over 45 and motorcycle sales are not so hot right now. We need your help in bringing awareness, excitement and interest to our awesome sport. We feel if we can expand our reach we can make an even bigger difference.

What can you do? Keep visiting us, keep supporting us, keep the word-of-mouth about Total Motorcycle and motorcycling going. Get people interesting in learning about riding!



Create Even More Content

Did you know that Total Motorcycle has over 400,000 pages of content? All that content is unique, there is no computer program running in the background creating the content, it is all HAND-TYPED, edited and created just for you over the past 20 years. We have been around when very few people heard of Google, before Mark Zuckerberg was just a teenager in Grade 9 and Apple was a small company that still sold personal computers as its main business! During that time we have created dozens of handbooks, guides, dictionaries, forums, videos, product reviews, news feeds and even a motorcycle MPG guide that got manufacturers to report fuel efficiency on motorcycles today!

We will keep creating all of the above and more and as new technology and ways of getting information open up we need to be involved in that too. That brings us to Videos! Last year we produced some great videos and video reviews, we covered motorcycles, shows and products. We want to bring more of that to you.

What can you do? Keep visiting us, keep reading our content, keep the word-of-mouth about Total Motorcycle and motorcycling going. Get people interesting in learning about riding!


Acquire Additional Review Equipment

Content takes time, effort and money. But even more important than is we need the right tools to create a quality product. There is no sugar coating it but my 10 year old GoPro equipment isn’t cutting it anymore, they don’t develop 35mm film and Total Motorcycle’s 11 year old Intel computer needs replacing. My review staff has newer basic equipment but if we are to produce the high-quality videos you want and love, we not only need the equipment and the ability to get staff to review locations.

What can you do? Keep visiting us, keep reading our content, keep the word-of-mouth about Total Motorcycle and motorcycling going. Get people interesting in learning about riding!


A big thumbs up to Chaplain Patrick at a charity event hosted by The Servant Riders Ministry.

Expand Our Social Subscribers

Total Motorcycle has tens of thousands of social media platform subscribers and we are very happy with that. But numbers are (unfairly) important to Social Media sites and thus to get our content to reach more riders we need more subscribers. The more subscribers you have the more, say YouTube, will promote your channel and videos.

What can you do? Subscribe to Total Motorcycle on the social media networks we are part of. Every single subscriber helps us reach more riders.


Donate, Support, Become a Patreon Member or Just See Our Ads

This is the part that involves money and I hate asking for help that is why this is at the bottom of the list! If you are willing to help us financially out, wonderful, if you can’t, doing any of the no-cost things above helps us out financially too! Total Motorcycle accepts donations through PayPal, by Check or Money Order or our new Patreon $1 a month membership. 100% of funds raised have always gone towards Total Motorcycle.

In fact, if you have an ad-blocker ON, just turning it off for Total Motorcycle is supporting us in a big way. I can go on and on about how I balance ads vs revenue, that profit is not the reason TMW exists and how I love to remove ads but you have heard that before countless times from me. Please let me do more ad reductions by allowing TMW to show ads to you, clicking on and viewing our ads. Thank you.


What can you do? Donate if you can. View our ads by turning off your Ad Blocker if you can’t.



Ongoing Donation
Thank you for your support!!!!


By a Total Motorcycle T-Shirt

I fibbed when I said we “do not sell anything”, actually I do. I have about 50 Total Motorcycle T-shirts left over. I would love to see some sold so I am selling them AT COST and including FREE SHIPPING. Shipping cost me $10 a shirt. Order Here

1 TMW Rider T-Shirt for $15

What can you do? Buy a TWM T-Shirt and enjoy it for 10 years! Order a friend one. Every T-shirt sold is 10,000 riders supported!


Thank you for all your help and support over the past 20 years, you have already made a HUGE position difference in the world of motorcycling, my life and my staff’s lives. For that I can’t thank you enough!!!!!!!


Mike Le Pard
Owner, Total Motorcycle.com

About Michael Le Pard 10704 Articles
"Mr. Totalmotorcycle". Owner and Founder of Total Motorcycle, the World’s Largest Motorcycle Site with over 425 million readers since 1999. Total Motorcycle is my pride and joy and being able to reach 425 million people has been incredible and I could not have done it without the support of my visitors, readers and members...thank you so much! We are all making a difference to millions of riders worldwide.